Thursday, April 23, 2015

Week 1: In The World Of Space

I was sitting on the chair waiting for my clothes to get washed while I was reading a book about a Space . Wow, where am I? Am I in space? This is so cool, but how did I get here?
Is this a dream? So then I pinched myself to see if it was a dream. 
Ouch!!! This is not a dream, I was standing right in the middle of Venus Planet. I quickly need to jump to another planet. My feet are burning. So then I jumped to Saturn that was a little better than Venus but it could get me sick because it is very very cold. So then I just jumped on to earth - the best planet. Peep Peep went the washing machine because the clothes were washed. Was that just a dream? I said to myself.


  1. Hi LIvy, I like how you wrote that Venus was burning your feet. I would get off really quick too! Keep up the great work Livy.

  2. Learnt allot about the planets you have put so much wow!!.

  3. WOW! Livy Venus must be really hot
