Thursday, September 1, 2016

Penguin Cinquain Poem

                     Penguin 🐧
                  Slimy, Noisy
     Swimming, Waddling, Sliding
      Broken, icebergs, every where

Image result for penguin

Friday, June 24, 2016

Mouse Facts

 Mouse Facts 

  1.  Mice are shy
  2. Lots of animals like eating mice like cats,stoats,moreporks and hawks
  3. Mice feel more safe at night because it's dark and animals won't see them
  4. If you keep mice as a pet you have to make sure that there is a hiding spot for them
  5. The best way to pick up a mice is by holding it by the tail gently ,but make sure that you wash your hands afterwards
  6. Mice are little but they need lots of food and they are hungry all the time
  7. Mice have sharp claws for climbing
  8.  Mice are not fussy so they eat anything you give them
  9. If you keep mice as a pet you have to make sure that you change there water every day
  10. Dirty water can make mice sick
  11. You need to make sure that mice get right food to eat 
  12. You can get special food pellets for mice and they are good for there teeth too
  13. Mice also love seeds and raw vegetables 
  14. But if they are not used to eat raw veggies and if you give them to many they can get a tummy ache
  15. Mice have really strong front teeth for nibbling and gnawing wood and stuff  

Who Invented Pizza

 Who Invented Pizza?

On July 11th 1889 Raffaele Esposito created the pizza  Margherita to represent the national colours of italy as on the italy flag.
Raffaele Esposito is from italy he was born in 1854. He was the italian owner of the tavern called pizzeria di in nineteenth century .
The first pizza was really boring so he decided to make yummier and better one that represent the national colours of Italy.  

Image result for who invented pizza

3d Shapes Maths

WAL about 3 d shapes

Make a container that holds exactly 60 blocks

What different shapes might it be?
What I learnt:
I learnt how to times numbers together like if it was 5x2x30, You would go 5x2=10 10x30= 300 and the question is 300.

Cube 1.JPG
6 High           2x5x6=  2x5= 10 10x60= 60
2 Wide
5 Across         
Cube 2.JPG
1 High       1x2x30=  1x2=2 2x30= 60
2 Wide
30 Across   
1 High

1 wide

60 across             1x1x60=
                           1x60= 60
1 High                                  

4 wide

15 across                   1x4x15=

Friday, June 10, 2016

Animal Enclosure Reflection

My Creature is:
A Chinchilla,

Some things I needed to consider about my creature:
Dirt because they have dust baths, Leaves because they eat them,
Toys made out of toilet paper rolls so they can go through them because that's their favourite, thing to do which is going through stuff  And i put that in there because they like to hide,
Trees because they climb on trees and they live in them,
Bed to sleep in
What I am pleased about:
I am pleased about that the dust bath  because it worked and I bought real dirt because I was not quite sure about bringing real dirt, because I thought that the dust bath would not work. I am also pleased about that I used my noticing mussell by looking where the stuff was on my plan because I liked everything about my plan.
What I have found tricky:
I found making the walls stay together with hot glue gun because they were really wiggly and  had to hold them for a quite long time but it was still a little wiggly and it was nice off Kalae to hold some walls for me.
What I would like to improve:
Next time rather then hot gluing the walls maybe tape the walls so they won’t be as wiggly.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Sences Poem Bamboo Forest

The Bamboo Forest
I see  The Canopy above me and leaves falling down       
I smell The beautiful wind of the earth
I hear  The leaves crunching under my feet as I walk
I feel Like I am in heaven right now because the Bamboo tastes so good
I taste  The scrumptious juice from the bamboo
I think That something is going to appear out of nowhere

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning Blog Post

Step One
Selecting a context
Lost in the Bush
Save the Bush
Fun in the Bush
Step Two & Three
Create questions and identify one broad question
How do you keep warm in the bush??
Step Four
What did I already know about my question?
You can light a fire, you could cover yourself with clothes you have in a bag.
Step Five
Design your creation
My Plan does not look like my Creation because the plan wouldn’t go the way I would want it to
Step Six
Build your creation
IMG_0083.JPGThis is my Creation
Step Seven
How did it go? It went well until I found out that it would not work out how I planned it to.
What went well The thing that went really well was that the sticks stuck on really well on the cardboard.
What was a challenge? It was a challenge for me to hot glue gun the sticks but luckily Henrietta helped me do it.
Step Eight
What would you change next time?
Maybe I could plan something that could actually work
What would you improve next time?
Try to maybe get the same length sticks so they could all actually be even.
Feedback - ask some other children what they thought?
Ruby = Maybe write a bit about your creation. And maybe Say something more than It went really good because (etc) and I really liked your creation :)
Henrietta = I thought you had a great creation And you worked really well even though you only had one of you.
Kalae = when you wrote what was challenging maybe right some more detail.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Observational Drawing - Shoe Art

Observational Drawing - Shoe Art
Sucess Criteria:
  • Look at what you are drawing
  • Draw from a real object
  • Don’t trace
  • Use a guideline to make sure your drawing is the right size
  • Keep the outlines light
  • Include detail or leave out detail

What do you like about your observational drawing?
The best thing I liked about my drawing was that I put a lot of work into it and I kept on trying until it looked exactly like it.

If you were to do it again what would you change?
I would take my time draw really lightly try to look at all of the detail.


Friday, March 18, 2016

Camp Omatua 2016


Kayaks was one of my favourite things I did at camp. I was scared the first time because I have  never been kayaking before.
Here is picture of me wrapped in my towel out of the river because the river is freezing!

I am Kayaking for the first time in this photo and as you can see from my face I look really scared.
This is me coming out of the crazy slide. This was one of my favorite slides because it is really scary but at the same time it's fun:)