Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Term 3 Week 5 Persuasive Writing

WALT persuade other students to agree with our opinion.  This the purpose for my writing.
Success Criteria:
  1. I plan for a writing task
  2. I write a variety of sentence lengths with different sentence starters
  3. Give reasons with detail - use specific words
  4. I write most topic and high frequency words correctly.
  5. I use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly.
  6. Use persuasive language

Cats are better than dogs!

I strongly believe that cats are better than dogs!

In my opinion, I think that cats are better than dogs because cats are cute at all times!  Dogs are not cute because they always have their tongue sticking out, which is also quite annoying!!! When a kitten is born and if you walk anywhere it will just keep following behind you and it is super cute!!

Another reason, is they are really good company, when I feel lonely or have no one to play with, my cat will always want to play. Dogs always are mostly outside so they might be muddy.  Cats are also really cute when they do rolypolys. Some cats are so clever that they can do forward rolls too!

Furthermore, if you have just watched a horror movie  and you are really scared your cat will come and sleep with you. As I already said dogs are too big to sleep with you.They can also keep you really warm especially in the winter because cats if they lay on a spot they lay on it for ages and that's why it makes your bed so warm.

To support my argument that cats are better than dogs here are some things: Cats are more cleaner, they don’t smell and also don’t make a big mess. Generally a lot quieter, having a dog you have to get up early and take your dog for a walk, but I don’t have to walk my cat.  

I strongly believe that cats are better than dogs!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Term 3 Week 4: Pets Should Not Be Allowed At School!!

WALT persuade other students to agree with our opinion.  This is the purpose for my writing.
Success Criteria:
  1. I plan for a writing task
  2. I write a variety of sentence lengths with different sentence starters
  3. Give reasons with detail - use specific words
  4. I write most topic and high frequency words correctly.
  5. I use capital letters, fullstops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly.
  6. Use persuasive language

We Should Not Allow Pets In Our School!!

In my opinion I think no school should allow pets!

I strongly believe that your pets could get lost if you are playing with your friends and then you realise that your pet has run away from you!! Another point is you would also be wasting your learning time, if your class and you are looking for your pet.  Another reason is that your pet can jump through any classroom window while you might be talking to your friends. You might not even know what classroom your pet may be in or the classroom may be locked!

Some of the kids might be allergic to pets and they could get really sick and the parents would not like their child to go to the hospital! If the kid might be allergic to pets they could also get really itchy and have really bad rashes. For example  they may be learning and they could get so itchy that they could bleed?

Also kids sometimes can get distracted really fast if they like the thing that would distract them like pets. Instead of learning they could be playing with the pet the whole time or just may be  looking at the pet the whole time. Finally when their teacher gives them a learning sheet to do they won’t know what to do?

You should agree with me that pets should not be allowed at school.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Term Three Week 2: Skimming Reading Strategy


WALT skim an unknown text so that we can quickly get an understanding of it. I can decide if a book has a useful imfomation I need, or whether I want to read it for pleasure. 

These are the things that I can do to skim read

  1. Find Keywords
  2. Read Blurb
  3. Read index
  4. Find Detail
  5. See what page I like

Term 2 Reflection.

This is a Term 2 Reflection about Rippa Rugby!!

I enjoyed Rippa Rugby this year so much because it was my first time playing it and I really enjoyed it. I chose to play Rippa Rugby because I always play Rippa Rugby with my brother and sister. The good thing was that this game had no tackling so you were not allowed to tackle anyone or you would be disqualified. I think I would love to play Rippa Rugby next year. I think the exciting thing that happened was that my group won the semi final.